2025 Catalog

Alarms and Buzzers

Item #


Base Price


Horn 12V AC 350 Series Vibratone

$228.00 $23 5 .00 $270.00 $240.00 $90.00 $11 5 .00 $8 5 .00 $4 5 .00

350-120-30 450-024-31

Horn AC Grill

24 VDC-Weatherproof Horn

4A967 4A969 64F273 64F283 WPBR RHCN

Horn 110 Vac 60 HZ

Back box for item # 4A967 Horn 30 -120 VAC/DC Sonalert Panel Horn

24 VDC Sonalert Panel Horn


Horn Box

Remote Horn Control Networked



Hazardous Location Horn, Nema 4x and IIG Surface Mount, 120v, 100 Decibal at 10 feet

$59 5 .00

Activate remote horn from a network.


IP Auto Dialer - Voice over IP

Item #



IPDIALER $ 525 .00 Have your alarm system call your cellphone, it will call up to 7 numbers at the same time. Manage your contacts via Web Interface. Connects to your alarm panels siren output in the panel (SVDC-24VDC). Triggered by 12VDC. Connect to any ethernet port that has internet access. Text alerts are also available. Voice / IP Auto Dialer

Sump PumpAlarm Panel

Item #



SAP $ 2,450 .00 Green light - power on. Float activate turns on red light strobes. Float is included. 120V Power. Use for septic tanks or sump pump alarms. Option can add horn and/or text alert, not included. Options: Battery backup, Auto dialer, switch, 24vdc power supply, IP Dialer with text. Wi-Fi. Works on point to Point WIFI. Sump Alarm Panel


Phone 1.800.950.5792 • www.hopeelectric.com

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