2025 Catalog
Benshaw Motor Contactors
Item #
Open $ 60 . 0 0 $ 90 .00 $115. 0 0 $13 5 .00 $15 5 .00 $17 5 .00 $23 5 . 0 0 $2 60 . 0 0 $3 10 .00 $39 5 .00 $4 80 . 0 0 $70 5 .00 $92 5 .00
NEMA Size 00 – 9A
$7 5 . 00 $110.00 $14 5 . 00 $165.00 $19 5 . 0 0 $220.00 $295. 00 $32 5 . 00 $385.00 $495.00 $ 600 . 00 $880.00
$9 5 . 00 $1 40 . 0 0 $180. 00 $20 5 . 00 $240. 00 $275.00 $3 70 . 00 $40 5 . 00 $48 5 . 00 $6 20 . 00 $7 50 . 00
RC-12A-56AC120 IEC Rated 12A RC-18A-56AC120 NEMA Size 0 – 18A RC-22A-56AC120 IEC Rated 22A RC-32A-56AC120 NEMA Size 1 – 32A RC-40A-56AC120 NEMA Size 1P – 40A RC-50A-56AC120 NEMA Size 2 – 50A RC-65A-56AC120 IEC Rated 65A RC-85A-56AC120 NEMA Size 3 – 85A RC-130A-56AC110 IEC Rated 130A RC-150A-56AC110 NEMA Size 4 – 150A
IEC Rated 180A IEC Rated 250A IEC Rated 400A
RSC-180-U120 RSC-220-U120 RSC-400-U120
$1,100.00 $1,44 5 . 00 $2,09 5 . 00
$1,155.00 $1,6 80 . 00
$1,34 5 .00
Add N4 to item # for Nema 4 Enclosure , Add N4 D to Item # for Mounting in a Nema 4 Enclosure with M anual M otor S witch that serves as disconnect. H/O/A switch and wiring to Contactor Enclosure Add $ 250.00 . Tax on all Open Starters , Shipping will be calculated. NEMA Rated Three Pole Contactor Size 00 – 04, IEC Rated 12 - 400A
Benshaw Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Combined
Item #
Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay Motor Contactor and Overload Relay
$2 10 .00 $26 5 .00 $3 20 .00 $34 5 . 0 0 $39 5 .00 $440.00 $610. 0 0 $6 50 .00 $78 5 . 0 0 $96 5 . 0 0
$26 5 . 00 $330.00 $ 400 . 00 $43 5 . 00 $495.00 $550.00 $76 5 . 00 $81 5 . 00 $98 5 . 00
$32 5 . 00 $41 5 . 0 0 $ 500 . 00 $54 5 . 00 $6 20 . 00 $6 90 . 0 0 $95 5 . 00
$1,01 5 .0 0 $1,2 30 . 00 $1,50 5 . 00 $2,0 30 . 00 $2,74 5 . 00 $3,50 5 . 00 $4,8 30 . 00
$1,20 5 . 00 $1,62 5 . 0 0 $2,19 5 . 00 $2,805.00 $3,86 5 . 00
MC-OLR-100-125HP Motor Contactor and Overload Relay
$1, 300 .00 $1,75 5 . 0 0 $2,24 5 .00 $3,09 5 .00
Motor Contactor and Overload Relay
MC-OLR-150HP-HD Motor Contactor and Overload Relay MC-OLR-200HP-HD Motor Contactor and Overload Relay
A group panel can save you even more $$ on the cost of Disconnects, and installation. One Disconnect can feed all the Contactors of a G roup P anel. Call for Pricing of combinations of Contactors and Overloads. Benshaw RMSO/SPO Series Overload Relays are bimetallic-style relays designed to protect AC-3 circuits and motors against overloads, phase failure, long starting times and stalling of the motor.
Phone 1.800.950.5792 • www.hopeelectric.com
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